2009/8/29 Philippe Clérié <phili...@gcal.net>:
> Well, I wasn't attempting to solve anything. I thought I was just
> brainstorming.
> These past few weeks there have been a lot of discussions about
> processes. Meanwhile, I am heading into the classroom with a
> somewhat unstable and unfinished platform not to mention very little
> guidance as to exactly how to make this thing work. I'll probably
> let the kids take the lead.
> Calling Sugar a distribution might not solve anything (certainly not
> my own problems), but it might help us focus on the practical matter
> of deciding how to put out that distibution instead of arguing about
> how to decide what we're about to do.

Ok, so the idea is to focus our resources on the distribution level?
I'm not very fond of that because:

- we aren't a company that has resources and puts them wherever its
management says so. Work is done by volunteers and they work on
whatever they fancy. I think that having less focus is useful here
because brings more interested people onboard that we otherwise
wouldn't have.

- polishing a distribution is _lots_ of work. Canonical, Novell,
Redhat, etc. are putting lots of resources into there. I think that a
small set of people can take one of those distros and make it work
better for a specific use case, but we aren't going to outrun the big
players in a generic, polished distro.

- other organizations are already taking Sugar and distro bits and
putting them together for their specific use cases. Maybe no one is
doing that yet for your use cases, but I don't think it means that we
need to drop whatever we are doing and do that instead. If we have
opportunities open and advertise them properly, we may get people to
do the work.

- if we abandon upstream development, what point is in packaging it?



> --
> Philippe
> ------
>> So is the only problem what we are calling Sugar today? If we
>> rename SoaS to Sugar and Sugar to Sucrose, how we would be
>> solving anything?
>> Thanks,
>> Tomeu
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