On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Art Hunkins<abhun...@uncg.edu> wrote:
> Victor, I understand you to be saying that pulseaudio exhibits more latency
> than ALSA.
> If this is so, why are we making pulseaudio the default for SoaS - where
> most audio will be realtime?

Because that's what Fedora and most other distros are moving to. Also
it does add more latency but not enough that most users will notice.
Even if you use alsa it will connect to the alsa pulse audio provider
which will basically add even more latency Csound -> PA alsa provider
-> PA -> ALSA -> kernel.

It works fine in most cases even for VoIP. What requires such low
latency as to be an issue in an environment such as a learning one.
Will the children notice a few milliseconds?

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