On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Sean DALY <sdaly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As long as no one (including developers) is confused that "SoaS
> release 1( Strawberry)" alias "SoaS-2" is running Sugar v0.84 and
> Fedora 11.
> I'm just wondering why "SoaS-2" is in use... non-initiates will assume
> that means SoaS release 2 (Blueberry), don't you think?

I'm a long-time watcher of the mailing lists and (now) a developer and
I was/am confused. What do you think is going to happen when some
random IT guy/power user tries to report problems?

At a minimum, there needs to be a prominent wiki page somewhere
documenting which number corresponds to what.  And it IS a mess.  If
someone says that it will be fixed in Sugar 0.88 (which is likely to
be the response from a developer), as an end user (or supporter of
same); I shouldn't have to dig through mailing list archive archives
to figure out what that means.

As for these numbers not being visible,  that's just wrong.  The
pilgrim 'version' number is displayed every time I boot an SoaS ISO on
my machine.  The CD label is in the isolinux.cfg file, which is
practically the only file on a burned ISO whose contents can be viewed
without growing through wizard level Linux incantations.   As for ISO


is the same as:






Anybody who is curious (isn't that what we are encouraging) is likely
to find at least one of those numbers.  The problem will come when
they don't find ALL of them and realize they have to be careful when
reporting problems.  We are punishing them for their curiosity by
having a gratuitous inconsistency.

Unfortunately, I don't see any other fix then to document what
corresponds to what. This is a software (release) engineering issue.
The problems will come from non-developers and will only start to
happen once there is more then one public release.

To: Martin:  I'm not objecting to v2 (we have no choice).  I'm saying
we have to publicly document what goes with what.

Bill Bogstad
Sugar-devel mailing list

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