Peter Robinson wrote:
> 2009/9/16 Philippe Clérié <>:
>> 1) You need a product to market. The comparison with Gnome does not hold.
>> There have always been distributions that made Gnome their official desktop
>> environment, even very early on. That is not the case for Sugar. Whether in
>> Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu, Sugar will always be a secondary desktop at best.
> That is in fact completely incorrect. KDE is not the primary desktop
> in Fedora but there is a team that makes it a first class Desktop in
> Fedora.

OK.  We just have a terminology problem on the definition of
"distribution".  Is Fedora 11 KDE Desktop Edition "a different
distribution" from Fedora 11, or is it "the same distribution"?  Is
LUbuntu (LXDE Ubuntu) a different distribution from standard Ubuntu?  The
answer doesn't matter; it's just a definitions problem.

Having an official "Fedora 12 Sugar Desktop Edition", making Sugar a
first-class alternative to KDE and Gnome in Fedora, would be a great
thing, and I suspect it would satisfy most of Philippe's concerns.

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