On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 02:05:37PM +0200, s.bouta...@free.fr wrote:

After executing "sugar-jhbuild depscheck", the output is:
"Warning: unknown distro version, automatic fallback to cooker."
"ERROR: Dependencies information is missing (unknown distribution/version).
Mandriva is only half-supported by sugar-jhbuild because
a) we don't have Mandriva VMs to look up and test things (and I currently don't have time to set them up) and b) I don't know where else to look up stuff like package names (e.g. for Debian there is packages.debian.org)

"Mandriva Linux release 2008.1 (Official) for mipsel
We currently only have a config file for 2009.1. If you can verify that 2008.1 has the required versions of all the packages we need, I'm happy to add the config. For testing you can just copy mandrivalinux-2009.1.xml to mandrivalinux-2008.1.xml in sugar-jhbuild/config/sysdeps.

I remains at you disposal if you want to test your code on this mips hardware
(either on Mandriva or Debian).
Debian should work just fine (both native packages and sugar-jhbuild), so would be nice if you could test that.

CU Sascha


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