
I followed your instructions to test Get Books on my XO.  I had a USB
drive with the unzipped data you provided such that the XML file and
the "books" directory were in the root directory of the drive.  I also
used the thumb drive to copy the Activity from the drive to the
Journal.  There was nothing else in the drive other than your Activity
and the unzipped data.  When I tried to start Get Books it failed to
start and the Log activity showed it reporting an XML error, something
to do with not having a child element.  I'm running the latest .82 on
my XO.

I will try to get you better information on this later.  I'm at work
now and I did the test on my lunch break.

James Simmons

>>>> I do not consider this release to be stable, so I have not uploaded it
>>>> to ASLO yet (I had to do a lot more refactoring that I would have
>>>> liked to get the removable device support working). To download the
>>>> activity (it should work with Sucrose 0.82 upwards), follow the link:
>>>> To test the removable device support, in a USB drive, unzip
>>>> [2] (make sure
>>>> that the catalog.xml file stays in the toplevel directory of the
>>>> drive), and plug the USB drive in wherever you are running Sugar. Get
>>>> Books is _supposed_ to detect removable devices as and when they are
>>>> plugged in/removed, but if your device does not show up, try
>>>> restarting the activity before trying anything else.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sayamindu
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