Hi Joshua,

On 30 Nov 2009, at 06:23, Joshua Minor wrote:

> Looks great to me.  Can you wrangle doing a release?  My dev/testing 
> environment is way out of date.

I have a gameplay question regarding the 3 local player mode currently 
implemented. Are the local users meant to be cooperating or competing with each 
other? I notice that the level moves on if any one of the 3 local players 
reaches the goal (this suggests 3 folks on one computer are cooperating to 
potentially compete against remote player or players). Just wondering if that 
was the intended behaviour. I only ask as I'm pondering possible Journal state 
usage. Maze level, seed is an obvious one I currently find frustrating as I 
often want to carry on from previous rounds; Journal state could also keep a 
leader board of previous players (or teams) for the last N levels, i.e:

- maze would keep levelling up as it does now

- after N levels a quick leader board animation could show who (or teams) did 
best (think a quick Pacman chase animation depending on who's doing best).

- there would be no total score kept so kids could join at any time and soon 

Still tweaking/thinking, but FWIW here's the current basic face rep:


In various sizes, the 3 local player faces currently look like this:

<<inline: huge.png>>

<<inline: large.png>>

<<inline: medium.png>>

<<inline: small.png>>

<<inline: tiny.png>>


P.S. For the record I'm still very interested in a face avatar identicon 
generator to potentially replace all uses of the XO buddy icon throughout the 
Sugar UI, so face variations would augment the current colour identity metaphor.

> -josh
> On Nov 29, 2009, at 8:32 PM, Gary C Martin wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> On 29 Nov 2009, at 21:22, Joshua Minor wrote:
>>> The border size change sounds fine.  Just check that it works okay when the 
>>> maze is relatively large.  (Hit + a bunch of times to get a large maze).
>>> When you use the other sets of keys to control your blip in the maze, you 
>>> get other shapes (circle, triangle, etc). I tried a bunch of shapes, but 
>>> even something like a star gets lost when the maze is even slightly large.  
>>> Faces would probably get lost too.
>> I did try a number of Maze levels to check how well the face details scaled. 
>> Here's a more exhaustive set, it's a pity pygame doesn't seem to offer too 
>> much in terms of anti-aliasing, but I think the face still survived the 
>> scaling pretty well (and could fit in a cube/triangle if needed):
>> <maze_face_size_test.png>
>>> The face idea is pretty neat.  My other activity, Speak, has a bunch of 
>>> face editing stuff in it.  I think that would be great to factor the face 
>>> editor out into the Sugar layer (to the same place where you edit your 
>>> colors).
>>> It would be more like the Mii editor in a Nintendo Wii - where your 
>>> character shows up in whatever game you are playing.  You can see a remake 
>>> of it here: http://www.myavatareditor.com/  Hit the random button a few 
>>> times :)
>> I'm not sure we would want to introduce a more complicated Sugar UI for 
>> this. If you take the current buddy colour picker and have it just generate 
>> different face shapes along with the two random colours, kids could just 
>> click through until they find a colour and face shape avatar that they like. 
>> Walter recently posted an 0.88 working feature proposal that allows undo for 
>> the buddy colour picker (actually more like previous <-- large current icon 
>> --> next), so as not to be frustrating when if you pass over one you liked 
>> and want to go back. That would work well if face shape was added to the 
>> identity mix.
>>> I had not heard of identicons before - neat!
>> Lots of different types out there based on hashes of either IP addresses or 
>> email addresses. Mainly tessellated/rotated geometric designs, but there are 
>> a few examples of monsters and faces (though too fussy for my liking, they 
>> would need to be clean/strong stroke/fill designs for Sugar UI use).
>> Just bouncing ideas about to see if anything sticks :-)
>> Regards,
>> --Gary
>>> -josh
>>> On Nov 29, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Gary C Martin wrote:
>>>> On 29 Nov 2009, at 19:17, Wade Brainerd wrote:
>>>>> I love the faces!  Joshua, what do you think about Gary's change?
>>>>> -Wade
>>>> OK, if faces get the +1, I'd like to also suggest that we vary the face 
>>>> design. It could just use some hash of the colour and/or user name, and 
>>>> then use this value to vary some base features like an identicon**, 
>>>> (square eyes, round eyes, several mouth shapes, noses, face shape, etc). 
>>>> That way we get colour identity reinforced by shape identity in an 
>>>> engaging way (get your friend to join your shared maze and see what funny 
>>>> face they have).
>>>> ** such identicon type thoughts have been drifting about the Sugar UI, at 
>>>> one point Michael suggested to me activity icons could potentially use 
>>>> some such scheme to make Journal entries more unique. Buddy icon shapes 
>>>> are another obvious candidate. Perhaps we should make a standard 'funny 
>>>> face" image avatar generator? ;-) (only half joking).
>>>> Regards,
>>>> --Gary
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>> On 29 Nov 2009, at 09:15, Tim McNamara wrote:
>>>>>>> Something I would like feedback on. After several sessions playing Maze 
>>>>>>> with 6 year olds, I've noticed that it's sometimes very hard to 
>>>>>>> distinguish the difference between opponents if they have the same core 
>>>>>>> colour. E.g. blue w/ light blue stroke is hard to distinguish from blue 
>>>>>>> w/ dark blue stroke. I think a solution would be to increase the stroke 
>>>>>>> width. This would make the distinguishing factor easier to see.
>>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>> You could give it a quick try and see if it helps:
>>>>>> 1) look in the directory ~/Activities/Maze.activity
>>>>>> 2) edit the text file called player.py
>>>>>> 3) at line 45 note the line that says "border = size / 10."
>>>>>> 5) change it to read something like "border = size / 5." to double the 
>>>>>> thickness (see attached screen shot):
>>>>>> Testing such changes on real children would be gold class feedback! :-)
>>>>>> I'd like to suggest a different change to try. How about a simple face 
>>>>>> inside the circle to use more of the stroke colour? Here's my quick hack 
>>>>>> on the code, with screenshot, if you want to give it a try (if folks 
>>>>>> like this face idea, shout and I'll submit a proper patch):
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