On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 16:58, Cilyan Olowen <gak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, here is the log and indeed, it seems there is a
> problem with the presence service.
> http://pastebin.com/mdac6658

Ok, and what says sugar-presence-service?



> 2009/12/15 Tomeu Vizoso <to...@sugarlabs.org>:
>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 16:39, Cilyan Olowen <gak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello !
>>> I'm all new in the Sugar community, but I'm very interested in Sugar's
>>> very simple and intuitive interface for my grand parents who are
>>> completely new to computers. As I need a light and very strong system,
>>> I decided to base this on a distrib I know very well : ArchLinux. I
>>> met here another Archer who has almost the same needs and same
>>> interests, and together we decided to package Sugar for ArchLinux.
>>> That's for the background.
>>> Now the project has a little bit progressed, and I'm ending with
>>> Glucose almost packaged :
>>> hippo-canvas, hulahop, python-xklavier, squeak, sugar, sugar-artwork,
>>> sugar-base, sugar-datastore, sugar-presence-service, sugar-toolkit
>>> (I'm missing etoys and pyabiword). All this is now installed on my
>>> system and I wanted to make a little check of where I was. And
>>> surprise, after launching "sugar" in a console, no Frame ! Metacity is
>>> launched, together with a nice big cursor, but no Frame or Activity
>>> Circle. Same with "sugar-emulator" which opens a nice Xephyr window
>>> with a black screen and the famous cursor inside, but nothing more.
>>> And indeed it seems that the sugar script ends with no error or maybe
>>> forks to the background but I have no trace of it in "ps".
>>> This leads to the simple question : Do I have a misconfiguration here,
>>> a bug, or am I simply missing a packet ?
>>> Woo, such a long message for a simple question, yes I know, sorry. But
>>> I needed to introduce myself too to your community ;)
>> Hi Cilyan, welcome.
>> Can you attach ~/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log? There should be some error.
>> Thanks,
>> Tomeu
>>> Regards,
>>> Cilyan
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>> «Sugar Labs is anyone who participates in improving and using Sugar.
>> What Sugar Labs does is determined by the participants.» - David
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