
here a quick overview where we stand with the Features for 0.88.

*** Enhanced Color Selector
- Walter prepared a patch that is awaiting review. Help here welcome!

*** 3G Support
- we landed another patch: "Add Connection Information to 3G Support 
(Daniel Castelo, Plan Ceibal)"
- Eben has done the icon for the device view and CP section
- There is work to be done to align the items in the CP section and some 
more little details that were discussed in the design meeting. Please 
follow up on them.

*** Enhanced Gettext
- the toolkit part did land
- there is also a patch for a Gconf option that has been r+ed and will 
land soon

*** Write to journal anytime
- no news here

*** Dotted_Activity_Versions
- I have done an initial patch in http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1701 
I had an issue that after applying the patch not all the activities were 
shown in the ring, if someone could give it a look that would be more 
than welcome!

Testing Plans:
We are missing a testing plan for "Enhanced gettext". Can the 3G-Support 
team have a look over their testing plan, too. We need them for the 
testing day tomorrow!

We made new tarballs yesterday, and Sebastian has been packaging them 
for Fedora. A build should be available by today.

Testing day:
Feature owners, please make sure to attend the testing day on Saturday: 

Thanks everyone for all the hard work on the Features and following the 
Feature process. We are very close now!


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