I like your thinking around this.

I do have one use case to think about, although probably not support yet.

The GPA resorts its students a few times a day, even within the same grade
level. There is one group of students for reading, another mix for math, and
then another, perhaps with students from different grades after school.  It
would be a nice feature to eventually have to let the teacher narrow down
the neighborhood based on a specific Moodle group, for a specific period of
time.  That is have students focus on only other students in their class
right now.

I don't think anyone is using Moodle and Sugar with this level of
sophistication yet, but I think its a feature teachers may want as they
become more powerful users.  Maybe just think about how this use case can be
supported in the future as part of any design decisions.

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Martin Langhoff

> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Tomeu Vizoso <to...@tomeuvizoso.net>
> wrote:
> > based on a conversation in #sugar with Collabora's Rob and Sjoerd,
> > would like to propose some changes to how we display contacts/buddies
> Good that you're thinking about this!
> > - In the neighborhood view, display all users in our roster: user
> > roster + shared roster. The user roster will be composed by the
> Agreed -- and I think that this is mostly the case already. I also
> think that (for users on the same server), user roster == friends. See
> below...
> > contacts that we have added ourselves and, in the Salut case, the
> > contacts accessible through Avahi. The shared roster will be assigned
> > by the school administration (through Moodle?) and will typically
> > correspond to our classroom or our grade. I think that Martin Langhoff
> > has worked on the server side of this.
> >
> > - In the friends view, we display those contacts that we have
> > "friended", being this a local concept.
> Is this "local concept" not fed to the "user roster" on the server
> (for users known to this server)? IMHO, it should.
> > - In the neighborhood view, we can conduct a search that will span all
> > contacts in the server (not only those in our rosters). The search
> > will be done via the regular underlying mechanism, not through Gadget.
> That would be fantastic, with the following notes:
>  - If I find someone, do I have to "make friend" so that user sticks
> around?
>  - Maybe the behaviour is nicer if it neighbourhood view also shows
> "recently found" without the need to "friend" them explicitly.
>  - Right now, searches have a UI behaviour that isn't a good fit for
> this new feature -- you search amongst things already in your view.
> Finding "new" things will need designing a new UI behaviour.
> cheers,
> m
> --
>  martin.langh...@gmail.com
>  mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff
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