I have been having some ideas for pushing the help system to the next level
by embedding the power of the community knowledge directly in the UI using
videos: See-Me-Do kind of thing. I came across some related projects


> ToolClips
> One of the main learnability challenges associated with complex software
> applications is learning to use the tools which the application provides.
> Advancements in the technologies that we use provide new opportunities to
> provide the necessary assistance. In particular, video assistance has become
> widespread. However, such assistance is generally in the form of long video
> tutorials, accessed externally from the software application. With the
> ToolClips project, we augment traditional tooltips with videos, giving users
> rapid, contextual, and within-application access video clips, to help
> understand how to use the associated tools. Our research on ToolClips has
> been published and is also being transferred into Autodesk products.
> Amazon recommends books to its users. Netflix recommends movies. With
> CommunityCommands, Autodesk will recommend command functionality to its
> users. CommunityCommands collects usage data from thousands of Autodesk
> users, through the Customer Involvement Program (CIP), and then generates
> personalized command recommendations using newly developed algorithms.
> CommunityCommands will expose users to the critical commands which they
> should be using, but are not aware of, accelerating the learning process.

I think if implemented properly these might make the activities and the
system itself more accessible to a large number of children - especially
those in underdeveloped nations with little/no exposure to technology and
very little external help.

And.. I had proposed an idea earlier

Is it sounding too complicated ?  unnecessary ?  not clear ? timeline not
good ? - appreciate any feedback.

Am really looking forward to be part of the community.

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