2010/6/9 Luke Faraone <l...@faraone.cc>

> Hash: SHA1
> On 06/09/2010 08:11 PM, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> > As far as I know, Browse is still the only hulahop user on this planet,
> > so it's not like we need to keep it around for API compatibility.
> Actually, hulahop is used by pyjamas[1], as evidenced by these bug
> reports[2][3] spawned when sugar-hulahop was removed from Ubuntu Lucid.
> An aside, according to upstream this is not an integral part of their
> project, but it might be a good idea to involve them in the discussion.

These days, I do my work in pyjamas - on the cloud. I have never used
pyjamas on the desktop, but for people who do, hulahoop* was the least
painful way to get there, and its removal sparked indignation.

*OK, it's called hulahop, but this way all the code names mesh more

Seriously, though: the fact that pyjamas-desktop can exist without hulahop
doesn't make it attractive to lose it. It may not be integral, but I don't
see anybody in the pyjamas world who would be replacing it any time soon, so
it is essential as a practical matter.

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