On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 06:37:18PM -0300, Daniel Castelo wrote:
> * The activities are updated

With "Software update" or manually using Browse?

> * The user delete the journal entry with the activity bundle
> downloaded for this updating process.
> The result of this is that the activity is deleted from sugar

I've seen this on Sugar 0.84 if the activity was updated using Browse,
but not if the activity was updated using "Software update".

> This behavour is normal? Should I reported this as a bug?

If you think it is a bug, then check for it in bugs.sugarlabs.org or
report it there.  I'm not sure what the behaviour should be.  I'd be
happy to see it fixed though, so that a user would have to both remove
the download and remove the activity.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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