Hi Erik,

On 29 Aug 2010, at 18:17, Erik Blankinship wrote:

> FWIW, the cursor flickers just like that in pygame based activities. Physics 
> is pygame based, and the flicker was pretty annoying as the cursor is a key 
> part of the UI, pygame also didn't pickup the Sugar cursor default shape — so 
> I cheated, I switch off the cursor, and place a pygame sprite in the same 
> place. No flicker, correct looking cursor. Total hack of course (though code 
> in the end was easy/minimal).
> Just a handful of lines in physics.py, most of which there to hide the fake 
> pygame canvas cursor when the cursor moves into the toolbar area:
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/physics/repos/mainline/blobs/master/physics.py
> Interesting...  thanks for sharing the workaround.  That should work for the 
> hamster library too.  When I get a chance to try it out, I will report back 
> to this thread.
> Is there somewhere to get the sugar cursor graphics within sugar itself?  I 
> see that physics imports its own local copy:
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/physics/repos/mainline/blobs/master/standardcursor.png

You can find the original git rep that I made standardcursor.png out of at:


But you'll note that the png's (a sequence of 12 animation states, and one 
hotspot file), requires a slice and dice to get an individual cursor out.

These png images, to the best of my knowledge, do not end up in an actual build 
– the build scripts do some funky things with these and output a rather curious 
format (Xcursor I think), that seem to live in:


Sure it all makes perfect sense for an X windows developer – there's probably 
some X library somewhere for reading them in and converting to other image 


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