El Fri, 03-09-2010 a las 14:28 +0200, Bert Freudenberg escribió:

> [te...@fedora13 ~]$ unset XAUTHORITY
> [te...@fedora13 ~]$ xauth add fedora13.localdomain/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 
>  74cc20607c72001dd921d6c2fe58cf09
> xauth:  creating new authority file /home/test1/.Xauthority
> Maybe add that to your simple instructions?

Yes, please. Perhaps sudo was clearing $XAUTHORITY in my case.

> This is a vanilla Fedora 13 install. I have no idea why "sudo -i"
> preserves XAUTHORITY, according to its man page it should not.
> /var/run/gdm is inaccessible so this seems to make little sense.
> But then, what do I know? ;)

They added it explicitly to /etc/sudoers. It should be done only when
sudoing to root, not to other unprivileged users who obviously would be
unable to access the auth cookie.

Probably sudo does not allow this distinction and they fixed the root
case, the most common one.

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