On Wed, Sep 08, 2010 at 08:10:27AM +0530, Anurag Chowdhury wrote:
> Shutdown (and Logout) menu items should activate the buzzy cursor (or
> provide some other visual feedback, perhaps dimming/locking the UI
> from use).

You mean the busy cursor.

I've tried the patch you proposed.  It doesn't work.  The GTK+ event
loop doesn't even get a chance to refresh the area under the menu
palette before the X server collapses.  I tried adding a call to
gtk.gdk.flush() but there was no impact.  The X server collapses within
about a second.  Even in that time, there was no change to the cursor
that I could see.

On what platform do you see a delay between releasing the mouse button
and the X server terminating, and what amount of delay occurs?

>      def __logout_activate_cb(self, menu_item):
> +        self.window.set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH) )  # newline

The "  # newline" is unnecessary.

The "self.window" would refer only to the menu button on the palette,
which is dismissed by the operation.  You should refer instead to the
top level window.  Perhaps that is why it did nothing for me.

Does it work for you?

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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