Excerpts from Alberto Arruda de Oliveira's message of Tue Sep 21 03:39:13 +0200 

> I've been adapting an application to use as an activity, and I have some
> questions about the way to save on sugar.

First of all, welcome!

> At first, I tried to just create a directory inside my Activity folder
> especially made for saving files,

Please don't do this. There's exactly one place for storing user data
and it's called the Journal (or rather the data store which is the
actual component storing the data, the Journal is "just" UI where the
user can browse the data). Putting user data anywhere else is a recipe
for disaster. You're taking the files out of version control (which I'm
actively working on getting into the next version of Sugar), so
accidental changes are irreversible. Recent versions of Sugar will even
delete all activity-related directories on deinstallation of the

If there's anything the Journal (resp. the data store) is lacking for
you, please speak up.



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