On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Tim McNamara
<paperl...@timmcnamara.co.nz> wrote:
> The New Zealand testing groups will be operating in a few hours. If you have
> any requests for things to be explored, please respond within 5 hours.

I have a new (soon to be released) version of Turtle Art I'd love for
them to testL


features/enhancements include:
* reskinable turtle (#2353)
* setxy honors pen up/pen down (#2358)
* updated Tamil, Spanish (#2359), and German translations
* expandable two-argument blocks (#2330, #2336)
* updated samples to take advantage of #2330 and removed extra turtles
* removed import numpy to fix #2313 and #2314


> Thank you
> Tim
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