On 30 September 2010 03:45, Gary Martin <garycmar...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> However to be honest, I think the extra dependancies are the real issue
> just at the moment (I haven't seen it working yet). I guess specific distros
> could each individually package up and install the needed dependancies
> (though that is not very child friendly, at least a deployment could choose
> to include it). Unfortunately as it is, almost none of the existing Sugar
> users will be able to use this activity. I try to keep a fairly clean Sugar
> environment here for testing, and it fails right away with "ImportError: No
> module named nltk.corpus"
> I made it as far as yum installing 15Mb for python-nltk (which pulled in
> about 11 external dependancies), at which point the activity would run and
> show its UI, but was still non-functional. I looked through the error logs
> (attached below if you are curious) but didn't have time to try and go
> through the dependencies trying to find what was still missing.

NLTK depends on much more than the software. It also needs the corpus data
to run effectively[1][,2]. From memory, that's generally several hundred
megs. However wordGroupz may not require the whole stack. NLTK is a highly
modular application/framework and could be spliced and packaged by the
wordGroupz maintainers.

I've done a fair bit of work with NLTK this year and am fairly active in
that community, however I don't have time to look into the complexities of
this right now.


[1] http://www.nltk.org/data
[2] http://nltk.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/nltk_data/index.xml
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