On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Aleksey Lim <alsr...@member.fsf.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> This a request to relaunch Packaging Team by giving it a bit another
> meaning that it has before.
> The main idea I see for this new/old team is:
>    Let people start sugar in any environment they have in most
>    convenient way.
> The team will cover not only questions how sugar is packaged for
> major GNU/Linux distribution but also:
> * having Bazaar as a central place of all (out of distro) efforts
> * building packages that are not(yet/well) packaged
> * support distros that don't have packaged sugar
> * run daily snapshot of sugar in as many as possible environments
> * take care of Sugar Platform dependencies (how many, are they packaged
>  and make custom build otherwise)
> * support meta sugar distribution ie just a bunch of repositories of
>  sugar packages that can be attached to existed system to run sugar
> BTW, maybe "Packaging" is not appropriate name, any ideas?

Account Services team is the preferred trade name for small size teams
engaged in support work (answering questions, or communicating with the
development team, maintaining builds and their timely releases). Some
companies use "Internal System Architect" nomenclature too. When team sizes
grew bigger, this work comes under the umbrella of Members of Technical


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