On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:29:35PM +0530, Ayush Goyal wrote:
> Regarding the changes you are asking me to make in implementation of
> the effects separately for applying effect over a selection and for
> entire image i have referenced the functions for effect already
> present and used that as guideline to make changes in code. I have
> just started developing and i still hv much to learn about efficient
> coding for these issues so please pardon my mistakes. I will try my
> best to code more efficiently in future and thanks for reviewing the
> patch.

You quietly omitted some of my changes because you felt they didn't
match the present code style.  Interesting.  Check with the Paint
maintainer to see if they'd like to the present code style retained.

I don't think you are coding inefficiently, I think you're failing to
understand the communication process with a reviewer ... but that
failing might also be contributed to by me, so I'm listening carefully
to what you say whenever you say something.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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