On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 04:29:31PM -0500, Erik Blankinship wrote:
> It is sometimes a designer's prerogative to present their work in one format. 
>  Numerous examples are available on the iPhone and android markets.

It is sometimes a platform designer's perogative to enforce human
interface guidelines and require applications to support certain

> Is it possible to override or be notified of a rotation signal?

No, not without taking control of components outside the scope of a
Sugar activity.  You're welcome to try that, but the problems that occur

0.  installation will require root access, which is not available to
some users due to deployment team policy,

1.  the API will keep changing, instead of remaining relatively static
in the case of the Sugar Activity API,

2.  there are multiple build versions to test against,

3.  there is a higher risk of breaking something later.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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