Hi All,

I just thought I would give people a heads up for changes that I'm
aware of that are going to be appearing in Fedora 15 / SoaS 5.

The big one will be gnome3/gtk3 plus the associated changes that will
come with the required pygtk / gobject-introspection (Tomeu could you
possibly fill out some of the impact of this?), I'm somewhat concerned
about this actually but time will tell.

Also on the cards is the following:
- csound 5.12.1 (in rawhide now - please test)
- systemd - new init startup - I don't this affects us directly in
that we don't have any specific custom services that depend on it
(although it might affect olpc)
- /var/run and /var/lock mounted as tmpfs (likely no affect as the last one)
- Replace setuid applications with File Capabilities in order to make
them more secure (again I don't think anything will be affected)

All the current approved Fedora 15 features can be found here [1]

If anyone else knows of anything else that might affect the release,
or if anyone has queries or more information to add please speak up.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:FeatureAcceptedF15
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