On 02/09/2011 11:20 AM, Walter Bender wrote:
There are a few design roadblocks in the race to 0.92 that could use
some input from the design team. Any chance we could have a meeting
some time soon? I could probably get on line from Lima on Sunday some
time if that works.



Hi Walter,

I can not attend the meeting, but here are the issues I am aware off:

(derived from [1]):

* Move more activities to the new toolbar

* Don't hide Register menu item upon successful registration

Introduction: The reset registration to the school server has a long
history [2][3]. The patch that landed in master is based on a request
from a deployment (re-register after an XS crash), other use cases are
to connect to another school server (different school). Another
deployment recently requested to hide the item altogether because
they're apparently doing the registration automatically in some way. To
consider in the design discussion is as well the lack of feedback when
registering [4].

Todo: We should describe the use cases and then find a good way of
fixing this issue. This would be best handled by an email discussion
streamlined in a Feature page [5].

* CPU and memory resource indicator for the frame

--------- Master work --------
I want to move on with these items. The first two have been discussed already.

# Activity startup in the Home View: Introduce new concept to distinguish between 'start new' vs 'resume', previous discussion [6] Gary's design: introducing a selector [7] (I like that a lot).

# Replace Naming Alert: a) switch to Journal detail view b) option in the activity toolbar to do a description and tags, discussion at the design team meeting, previous discussion [8]

# Remove 'Keep As' Button: Replace by 'copy to' functionality in the Journal [9]


[1] http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2011-February/029848.html
[2] Reset registration form school server (long term):
[3] Reset registration form school server (0.84):
[4] Feedback when register with school server:
[5] Feature Policy: http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Policy
[6] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/0.88_Meeting#Resume.2FStart_new_on_the_Home_View
[7] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Sugar_resume_vs_start_new.jpg
[8] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/0.88_Meeting#Write_to_Journal_anytime
[9] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Journal-04.jpeg
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