Hi all,

thanks a lot for the replies.

So I just heard back from the local project coordinator and the main
motivation behind using Dropbox is syncing up files between the teacher's XO
and the pupils' XOs. One of the things we've been trying to do for awhile is
finding a simple way to get pupils' work of the XOs and into other systems
as well as enabling them to print out the things they write, pictures they
draw, photos they take, etc.

If there was a simple way to do this then we'd make 25 pupils and 2 teachers
very happy:-)

James suggested Sugar Commander to copy the files from the dropbox folder
into the Journal, having never used I'm wondering whether it's also possible
to do it the other way 'round (Journal -> Dropbox folder)? (since that would
be the main initial use-case)

As per Rudolf's comment I'm now thinking that enabling an easy-sync between
the XOs and other computers they children have access to (e.g. at home)
might also be an area that's worthwhile investigating.

And while I agree that "sugar already has many sharing features" I don't
think they're nearly powerful and flexible enough (which reminds of seeing
the expression on Richard Smith's face when I showed him this photo from
Peru -
 - which was simply priceless;-).


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:55 AM, James Cameron <qu...@laptop.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:06:45AM -0400, Rodolfo D. Arce S. wrote:
> > Dropbox is designed based on syncing in multiple machines, if a child
> > has only one machine, then i don't think it to be necessary.
> I'd like to work on the assumption that Sugar is for a child who has at
> least one machine, not at most one machine.
> if n = 0, our software will not run;
> if n = 1, our software will run;
> if n > 1, our software will still run.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.linux.org.au/
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