Am 01.05.2011 08:20, schrieb Bert Freudenberg:
> On 01.05.2011, at 07:22, David Farning wrote:
>> Yesterday was have picture perfect start to eduJAM!
>> The day was planned by the Ceibal-volunteer associations as part of their
>> annual (sometime biannual) meeting. For lack of a better word, my Spanish is
>> still rather fuzzy, I will use the term Ceibal-volunteer associations to
>> describe Ceibal-Jam, Rap-Ceibal, and Flordeceibo.
>> Many of us in Sugar Labs are familiar with Ceibal-Jam, the software-arm of
>> the project, from the public work at . Particularly
>> interesting is their work on Sugar activities at
>> .
>> Rap-Ceibal is the volunteer support organization. There public work is at
>> . They are doing really interesting work
>> creating regional centers. Basic service and support happens in the schools,
>> while more complicated or specialized service and support happen in the
>> regional centers.  It is a great model.
>> Thirdly, Flordeceibo, is the education arm that builds on the technical work
>> of Ceibal-Jam, Rap-Ceibal, and other organization to enable a efficient and
>> effective education for student in Uruguay.
>> The morning started with the groups giving status reports of current
>> projects and roadmaps for next year. It was a great example of people
>> saying, 'we see a problem and we are trying to fix it.'
>> The afternoon was a series of videoconferences with distant schools. Groups
>> from various school shared their experiences and concern. This was followed
>> by an open discussion on how to meet their needs.
>> Midafternoon we broke up and shared a meal, ( The proper translation for the
>> dish was 'delicious heart attack on a plate' ) with others planning on
>> attending the Tour of Uruguay.
>> Overall two thumbs up to everyone involved. As special shout out to Antel, a
>> Uruguayan telecommunications firm, for providing the facilities -- which
>> included an video conferencing system that would make any hacker want to get
>> in there and take in apart to figure out how it works :) The moderator,
>> Latise (sp?) did an outstanding job of keeping the program running smoothly
>> and on schedule. Which can be harder than it appeared when you have a room
>> full of smart, curious, and passionate people.
>> david
> Second that. It was very refreshing to see all these different volunteer 
> groups doing great stuff, even if my missing Spanish skills did not allow me 
> to understand much ;)
> Also, when we left the building, we were greeted by an awesome drum-and-dance 
> performance:

Caryl also set up a blog at where a
couple of us are documenting the experiences and impressions we make at
the tour and summit.


Christoph Derndorfer
Sugar-devel mailing list

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