On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Daniel Drake <d...@laptop.org> wrote:
> On 14 June 2011 21:35, Peter Robinson <pbrobin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Would a skinned version of Firefox Mobile work for what is needed?
> No, as we need collaboration, journal access, etc. But (I didn't
> include this argument as I lost the link) this response matches what I
> read from mozilla developers: if you want to build a mozilla-based
> product, fork the mozilla codebase and write your application inside
> there.

I did work on that; you can certainly make a firefox extension that
supports collaboration, journal access, etc.  My firefox activity did
some of what's necessary.  Firefox can speak dbus, etc.

That said, I had first-hand experience w/ a project which switched
from embedded mozilla to webkit, and I can testify that the
performance improvement was indeed significant.

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