On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Erik Blankinship <er...@mediamods.com>wrote:

> I am trying to figure out how to open a URL in the browse activity from my
> own python sugar activity.  What is the best way to do this?
> I was hacking around on an xo running 860, sugar 84)
> [1]
> import webbrowser
> webbrowser.open( "http;//google.com" )
> This launches firefox in its own floating window (which was an interesting
> thing to see in sugar, sort of like an easter egg).
> Is it easy for a pythonista to change this to opening WebActivity?
> [2]
> After some chat on IRC, I was able to hobble this together:
> bus = dbus.SessionBus()
> proxy = bus.get_object('org.laptop.Shell', '/org/laptop/Shell')
> path = dbus.Interface(proxy, 'org.laptop.Shell').GetBundlePath(
> 'org.laptop.WebActivity')
> activity = ActivityBundle(path)
> de_args = activityfactory.get_command(activity, None, None, "
> http://google.com";)
> os.execvpe( de_args[0], de_args, activityfactory.get_environment(activity)
> )
> This opens a new instance of browse to the requested URL.
> But it skips the pulsating launch sequence, and seems to lock up the
> activity which launched it.
> If WebActivity is already running, is there a way to open a URL in that
> instance?
> If WebActivity is not already running, can it be launched normally (showing
> the pulsating icon)?
> How do I prevent locking up the activity which opened the URL?
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It does open url's all over the interface.
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