On 26/08/11 13:04, Jerry Vonau wrote:
On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 09:15 +0200, Christophe Guéret wrote:
Hi all,

I'm using the OS builder to create a customized 11.2.0 for my XOs 1
and I can't figure out how to do two things:
* Include a new binary which is not packaged + the related start
Are your saying not in rpm format?
Yep. The program is called "redstore" and I can compile it manually but then I have to include the binary into my images.

* Overwrite sugar-datastore with a custom version
As in pre-populated with entries?
Nope, as in with a different datastore that replace the one commonly used :)

The informations at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OS_Builder and the
README shipped with the modules left me with no answer :-/

Can someone help me with that?

The only clean way would be to enable the custom_scripts module in your
ini file, then write your own script.
Ok, I'll have a look.


PhD Christophe Guéret (c.d.m.gue...@vu.nl)
Postdoc working on LATC (http://latc-project.eu)
Knowledge Representation&  Reasoning Group
Computational Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science, AI
VU University Amsterdam

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