Am 10.11.2011 17:33 schrieb "Gary Martin" <>:
> Hi Christoph,
> On 9 Nov 2011, at 23:25, Christoph Derndorfer <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> while playing around with 11.3.0 today I spent some time sending
Memorize files back and forth between two XOs. This quickly led to the
frame being filled with icons of these transfers so now I'm wondering
whether it might be useful to consider adding a "dismiss all" functionality
> Interesting you should raise this. While at Paris Sugar Camp, Simon and I
worked on some UI sketches to present all transfer notifications in a
single frame icon and palette so that they can be easily managed all in one

Great, this sounds pretty much like what I had in mind.

The target case was that of a teacher trying to transfer material to
multiple children in a class (the groups feature also needs improvement to
allow single shot transfer to multiple destinations).

Nice. In terms of enabling a very basic level of collaboration, or rather
easy artifact sharing, such a functionality is certainly one of the keys
pieces which is currently missing.

> I'll try to tidy up and get the sketches on the wiki for review.

Looking forward to the sketches!


> --Gary
>> Cheers,
>> Christoph
>> --
>> Christoph Derndorfer
>> editor, OLPC News []
>> volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
>> e-mail:
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