On 17.05.2012, at 03:36, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:

>>>>> This is not going to work on ARM; the target was said to be XO-1
>> Feedback for <activity_developer> to ensure that it does something
>> sensible on ARM, like "sorry, your computer is too new for this
>> activity"
> On 05/16/2012 07:42 PM, James Cameron wrote:
>> I think Sugar leans toward architecture independence in the .xo files,
>> but it's something that could be raised again with Sugar Labs.
> It should be feasible to "test before you run" -- but this Activity includes 
> a binary, and as far as I know ARM machine instructions are not the same as 
> x86 machine instructions -- and including TWO binaries (one for each 
> architecture) leads to ".xo bloat".
> And, from my limited knowledge (I haven't kept up), the design for Activities 
> does NOT include a way for Activities to __test__ whether dependent RPMs are 
> provided by the runtime environment.  Dependencies have traditionally been 
> addressed by __including__ them in the .xo package -- but that just means 
> *more* architecture-dependent files.
> mikus

Executables tend to be small compared to data files. For users, a "fat" bundle 
containing multiple architectures is arguably simplest. You could use something 
like this:

ARCH=`uname -m`
exec $BIN/myexecutable

... and have both a "bin-i686" and "bin-arm7vl" directory (and lib dirs if 

As an example, there is a DrGeo activity bundle that supports both 
architectures (last time I looked, the ARM part included way too many files, 
but it appears to work):
(the proper way here would have been installing a newer Squeak VM in the 
system, but bundling it inside the activity is a good short-term workaround).

- Bert -

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