On 5 Aug 2012, at 17:02, Gary C Martin <g...@garycmartin.com> wrote:

> Design meeting: The plan is to keep the meeting to 1 hour, or under, and use 
> our realtime meeting to keep the various design efforts ticking over and 
> everyone who is interested up to date with progress. I'm hoping the majority 
> of design conversations will take place on mail-list design threads, wiki 
> pages and or http://bug.sugarlabs.org tickets.
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Meetings 
> ==== Agenda ====
> * Lease expiry information display in My Settings -> About My Computer. Anish
> * Followup on multi-selection and batch operations on Journal entries.
> * Home list view, hover highlight/click results in confusion for favourite 
> icons: See http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3147#comment:3 Frederick
> * "Examples" support for activities – using the ObjectChooser and/or Journal 
> volumes bar to allow access to examples folder inside activity bundles. tch
> * <Your agenda item here>
> Time: Tuesday August 7th 2012 - 16:30 UTC 1hr
> Place: #sugar-meeting

Thanks to all those who made it to the design meeting, made some good progress! 
Here's the links to the minutes and log:

   Log: http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting/meetings/2012-08-07T16:30:14


> Hope to see you there!
> --Gary

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