On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 5:18 PM, S. Daniel Francis
<fran...@sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>>> strings as Unicode and encode them as utf-8? I think there are too few
>>> cases when an activity gets translated strings and needs to work
>>> directly with unicode.
>> Probably because you do not speak chinese or any other asian language.... :)
> We can represent all unicode characters in utf-8 and that's one of the

danielf -- I think you are tangled in your confused terminology. UTF-8
_is a form of Unicode_. So when you say "I think there are too few
cases when an activity gets translated strings and needs to work
directly with unicode", it is... well, wrong for any software that
will be used internationally.

Perhaps you mean something else, like the "Python type Unicode". But
in general discussion, people do use Unicode to mean... Unicode ;-)


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