On 15 Aug 2012, at 20:14, Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:48 PM, Gary Martin <garycmar...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Anish,
>> I've uploaded a mockup image to the wiki [1] which covers most of the items 
>> raised in this thread:
>> - a new security section (that should only be shown if there is lease 
>> information)
>> - lease number of days remaining
>> - lease absolute expiry date (date string should use correct formatting to 
>> display locale date format)
>> Did I miss anything?
> One nit: There is no such thing as Sugar Labs Inc. Should be: Sugar
> Labs, a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Good catch, this mockup was based on a quick screen grab of the soon to be 
released 12.1, and wasn't aware of it being updated recently. Hmmm. Not sure 
who I'd need to bother to correct the license text.


> regards.
> -walter
>> Regards,
>> --Gary
>> [1] 
>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Settings_About_My_Computer_Security_Section_Mockup.png
>> On 7 Aug 2012, at 17:55, Anish Mangal <an...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> Thanks for replying!
>>> On Tuesday 07 August 2012 10:12 PM, Daniel Drake wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Anish Mangal
>>>> <an...@activitycentral.com> wrote:
>>>>> One problem they were also trying to get around in Paraguay is
>>>>> that during vacations, the kids don't go to the schools and hence
>>>>> the leases expire. If the kids also know about this information,
>>>>> then they can easily make sure that they don't get 'locked out'
>>>> You'd hope that the project would make provisions for long-enough
>>>> leases to be supplied before the vacations. But I can see the use
>>>> for this for when that doesn't happen (which is understandable
>>>> given high workloads and so on).
>>>> Talking more with the team in Nicaragua, this functionality would
>>>> be useful for them too. Similar situations are occuring here where
>>>> laptops were activated for a certain amount of time, with the
>>>> strong expectation that internet connectivity would become
>>>> available in the schools before the activations expire (so that
>>>> they can be automatically updated/renewed). These expectations look
>>>> like they won't turn out to be true :(
>>>> So a manual activation update process will happen and the ability
>>>> for someone less-technical to be able to quickly check whether this
>>>> manual update process has completed OK would be of value (that
>>>> would be the person's only contact with activations - we aren't
>>>> expecting them to be able to solve any problems if the results are
>>>> bad, other than report up the chain).
>>> This is exactly the kind of clear info that should have been in the
>>> feature page in the first place. Sorry for not doing it earlier.
>>>> Anyway, the use cases you describe in your mail don't seem to be
>>>> described on the feature page. Could you please extend the feature
>>>> page to go into more detail about this? I'll then add the above
>>>> local case if its of interest.
>>> +1
>>>> Why is the proposal to show the number of days remaining?
>>> Yes, I remember discussing specifically this with Roberto (PyEduca
>>> Technical head) back in Dec 2010, and my suggestion was exactly the
>>> same (to display the date).
>>> However, as per them (and I know this is not a rational explanation),
>>> they wanted us to display "no of days remaining".
>>>> The Nicaraguan team have expressed a strong preference that this
>>>> should (instead, or additionally) display the expiry date. When
>>>> dealing with long duration activations, which is often the case
>>>> (until good connectivity is established), having a teacher phone up
>>>> and say "there are 137 days remaining" (and then having to
>>>> calculate the day of expiry in order to put an appropriately timed
>>>> school visit on the calendar) would be a pain.
>>> I agree with this, and since I cannot seem to remember exactly why
>>> they wanted it to display in terms of no. of days remaining, I'll ping
>>> them or we can go with this.
>>>>> Since this feature is only relevant for the XO at the moment,
>>>>> making use of the bitfrost API would be acceptable to me, but I
>>>>> don't see a lot wrong here by parsing the lease.sig directly.
>>>>> This file is supposed to be automatically generated/updated in
>>>>> normal use cases.
>>>> Are you planning to parse sig02 (delegated leases) "by hand" as
>>>> well? What if the lease is corrupt in some way?
>>>> I can see myself objecting to any implementation of this that
>>>> doesn't reuse bitfrost. It takes care of all of the corner cases
>>>> and will avoid code duplication.
>>> Again, it seemed to solve the use case we had in Paraguay, and the
>>> idea behind upstreaming a feature is that it goes through this process
>>> of review. I am up for changing the code to use the bitfrost api. It
>>> should not be complex (if it's adequately documented somewhere).
>>>> Daniel _______________________________________________ Sugar-devel
>>>> mailing list Sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/sugar-devel
>>> - --
>>> Anish Mangal
>>> Dextrose Project Manager
>>> Activity Central
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> -- 
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org

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