Hi Gonzalo,

On 29 Aug 2012, at 13:51, Gonzalo Odiard <gonz...@laptop.org> wrote:

> Btw, re Activity list view. We said at one point that the date displayed in 
> the list has not much meaning (at least at the moment). Did we have an idea 
> for a replacement?
> +1
> I know is not a trivial change, but IMHO, would be great have a short 
> description here.
> We can add it in the activity.info file, and get it translated as the 
> activity name today.


FWIW I'm sure I saw this working in an alpha build once (I remember being 
surprised when I looked in list view, just a few activities had text extra 
minimal descriptions showing). I don't remember who was responsible but I did 
have a little dig and found the below existing strings in some activity.info 

Garys-Computer:All Activities archive gary$ grep -r summary 
CartoonBuilder.activity/activity/activity.info:summary   = Make a cartoon by 
creating a sequence of poses inside a filmstrip
Chat.activity/activity/activity.info:summary   = Text chat
FlipSticks.activity/activity/activity.info:summary   = Using keyframes, program 
a stick figure to twist and dance
ImageViewer.activity/activity/activity.info:summary   = The Image Viewer 
activity is a simple and fast image viewer tool
Speak.activity/activity/activity.info:summary   = An animated face that speaks 
whatever you type
TamTamEdit.activity/activity/activity.info:summary = A music and sound 
exploration application for Sugar
TamTamJam.activity/activity/activity.info:summary = A music and sound 
exploration application for Sugar
TamTamMini.activity/activity/activity.info:summary = A music and sound 
exploration application for Sugar
TamTamSynthLab.activity/activity/activity.info:summary = A music and sound 
exploration application for Sugar
TuxPaint.activity/activity/activity.info:summary   = Drawing program designed 
for young children

Perhaps we could officially adopt the "summary" keyword if we go this route? I 
put together a quick mockup [1] using some of the above strings and close to 
the descriptions as found on ASLO to give an idea for what type of strings misc 
developers would probably fill this with. Note that an ellipsis ... is used for 
clipping overly long strings. We would want to provide a style guide for that 
text, so it is a short, friendly, and as succinct as possible (i.e. say what it 
does, or what you can do with it in less than 7-10 words).


[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Home_list_view_comment_summary_mockup.png

>  Gonzalo

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