> >  - remove the annoying check of free space
> I hope that's not completely removed (I see Gonzalo's email...). It is
> not very effective preventing you from using activities, but it does
> prompt users to do something (remove stuff?).
> BTW, 50MB may be too high, some units with 2GB storage, installing
> modern builds, end up with 150MB free total :-/
Yes, we agree, but decided not change it in this patch to avoid a long
discussion about the size.
Can be changed in another patch.

>  - create a signal inside sugar-toolkit-gtk3 datastore that is emitted
> > when free space is behind
> > "sugar3.datastore.datastore.SPACE_THRESHOLD". This check is done every
> > time a model is updated or created by the datastore.
> A model? Maybe my lingo is a bit stale... a datastore entry you mean?
Yes. The datastore related code in sugar is separated between the model and
the view ;)

> >  - this signal can be connected from every activity that wants to
> > handle this situation. For example in Browse we are cancelling the
> > download in progress when we get that signal
> So there is a bit of confusion here...
>  - When we start the download, if we get Content-Length, we compare it
> with disk space available, or with disk space available minus
> datastore.SPACE_THRESHOLD?

with availabe - SPACE_THRESHOLD

>  - Related: can we ask the datastore to tell us its SPACE_THRESHOLD,
> so we don't hardcode it? Ah, I see you have a helper function.
> Personally, I would prefer to preserve a relatively high threshold
> (lower than 50MB, but say, 10MB) for the _warnings_. But still allow a
> download to complete. I would only cancel a download in Browse if will
> leave us with <1MB disk space.
Well, Manuel proposed that, and I said better not, :(
but have sense, and can be implemented,
that is the reason there are a error code, to enable us more specific

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