
I confess I haven't seen either the Welcome or Bulletin Board activities. I also saw there is a Teach Teacher activity. These all look like promising contributions.

Naturally, the translation issue with a screenshot depends on the amount of text in the screen. In ShowNTell, my usual practice is to explain (audio) what the user is to do from the point of the screenshot or to challenge the user to get to the screenshot. In some ways this is analogous to the practice that many of us use - walking around the room showing the screen to the students. With ShowNTell, the screen is visible on the student's laptop.


On 10/16/2012 11:18 AM, Gary Martin wrote:
Hi Tony,

On 16 Oct 2012, at 15:47, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net> wrote:


The ShowNTell activity provides both slide show and sound capability. The 
slides are images at present.

Hmmm, seems like some amount of overlapping activity effort and target use 
cases going on. You might like to also take a quick look at Portfolio [1] 
(already part of the default OLPC builds), and Bulletin Board [2] (more aimed 
at documenting the work group projects, and has some support for audio 
recording and playback). Though I think the Welcome activity still has somewhat 
separate goals from ShowNTell/Portfolio/Bulletin Board (e.g. first time user 
introduction to Sugar and XO).

Slide shows based on screenshots are easy to create.

FWIW: Most screenshots are a pain for translation/localisation (UI text), it 
pretty much ties down any content generated to one locale.


[1] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4437
[2] http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4588

I am trying to port it to use webkit so the slides can be html. This is a 
problem at present because use of webkit now requires a port to gtk3.


On 10/16/2012 10:22 AM, Gary Martin wrote:
Hi Tony,

On 16 Oct 2012, at 14:34, Tony Anderson <tony_ander...@usa.net> wrote:


What is the purpose of help? In Windows, help is a method to find out how to 
accomplish a particular task using an application. It is not a means to learn 
how to use the computer or Windows.

The Help activity is a specialized reader for the Floss (pdf) manuals.
Unfortunately, the text in the Floss manuals was written for experienced 
computer users who were new to the XO and the Sugar.

I believe we need a Sugar activity to introduce the XO and Sugar to those who 
have no prior computing experience. Further, we need to use the 'learn to 
learn' approach we advocate for the XO, i.e. these materials should be designed 
for experimentation (trial and error) and collaborative learning. The beauty of 
the computer is that it provides instant feedback on whether you did something 
'right' or not.

Yes an initial version of this landed in the last release cycle, it was the 
Welcome Activity. It's just really a basic slideshow, that has a simple folder 
structure that is intended to be customised by deployments to add their own 
material. It's success will be down to what quality of content it contains. 
Currently it just supports images, not animations or sound, though that was a 
future 'like to have' on the feature list. The activity also used by a matching 
first boot behaviour that displays that same content on first boot before the 
user is asked to type their name or choose a colour. The current default 
content is almost all visual/cartoony, no text reading expected (though there 
are some screenshots of the UI as part of the cartoons), one issue is that if 
it dose need to be locale customised, good image content does not seem to be 
easy for many to create, and can make the activity larger than otherwise ideal.

Gonzalo: Is it worth uploading the Welcome activity to ASLO (I just looked and 
couldn't find it), or will this cause some issues for deployments (e.g. a user 
'upgrading' at ASLO might wipe local generated content)? Though it would 
provide all existing users/deployments the chance to see the content (and 
suggest/provide improvements)


I also believe that use of screenshots, screencasts and icons can reduce the 
dependency of these materials on text. Another underutilized tool is audio. If 
the text instructions were spoken, any deployment would be able to provide the 
same instructions in the native language (the skill needed would be a speaker 
of the native language who also knows English). Incidentally, in deployments 
where English is a medium of instruction, using both versions can help children 
learn English.


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 09:05:08 -0300
From: Gonzalo Odiard <gonz...@laptop.org>
To: "S. Daniel Francis" <fran...@sugarlabs.org>
Cc: Sugar-dev Devel <sugar-devel@lists.sugarlabs.org>
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] Purpose for Help Activity
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Help issues are known and we need solve it,
but I don't agree with the proposed solution.

The style can be changed with css, that is not a problem.

The biggest problem we have today, is found people to write the help.
If we impose to a potential writer the work of learn docbook,
will be worst. And writing a docbook editor is not a trivial task.

About having help content inside the activities,
probably is a good idea. We need think about:
* how enable the translation of that content (and how much disk space
will use if we have all the translations inside the activity)
* where put the content related to sugar (not activities)


On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 10:03 PM, S. Daniel Francis


Looking at the Help activity, I see the following issues:
- It looks very orange. A more integrated style is needed.
- Activities should be documented independently of the help activity.

(Not very related with my purpose but important for deploy a solution)
- The documentation needs to be updated and Gonzalo told me about
there were efforts to update it. ?Where are them?

Now I purpose some solutions:
- Using docbook.
Docbook is used by the GNOME documentation team and can be styled
easily with CSS.
- Save the documentation in each activity.
With that way, Help could scan each activity for documentation, that
documentation could depend of the installed version of each activity.
And documentation for non-core activities could be seen from the Help

Knowing that the Help isn't up to date, I only migrated the first
chapter for give you a preview of my purpose.

A screenshot:

On the git repository:

For generate the HTML files I used the following command: (Already
generated in the repository)
$ yelp-build html -o ./help/ sources.xml

Warm regards,
Daniel Francis.

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