On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Manuel Kaufmann <humi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I took a look at this issue[1] and I found that it's not possible to
> get the "espeak" gstreamer element on 13.1.0 os7 using gst 0.10 but
> it's available using Gst 1.0 (from gi.repository import Gst). However,
> there is no package called something like "gstreamer1-plugins-espeak"
> installed but there is one called gstreamer-plugins-espeak[2]
> So, I'm a little confused:
>  * Is "espeak" available on 13.1.0 for gst 0.10?
>  * Is "gstreamer-plugins-espeak" for gst 0.10 and the version for Gst
> 1.0 is inside on one of these? (already installed in the build os7):
>      * gstreamer1-1.0.1-1.fc18.i686
>      * gstreamer1-plugins-base-1.0.1-1.fc18.i686
>      * gstreamer1-plugins-good-1.0.1-1.fc18.i686
> Anyway, I think this activity should work without "espeak" gstreamer
> element because it has a workaround to use the "/usr/bin/espeak"
> command, save the text into a wav file and finally play it. But for
> some reason (that I couldn't find yet) the same version (Speak v42)
> works properly on 12.1.0 but it doesn't work on 13.1.0.

the version in 13.1.0 is for gst1 and built against it.

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