== General ==

* Polish "Try it" wiki page with all possible methods how to try the
  Sugar Network and explaining the difference between Web access and
  local client applications

* A way to try all Sugar Network features
  (Web access have restrictions)
  by installing "Sugar Network" activity in regular Sugar installation:

* Contributor Hub activity was added to the Sugar Network
  This method will bring all local client application features in
  addition to Web based Contributor Hub

* Process dependencies while launching activities from the Sugar Network
  from local client applications;
  activity dependencies will be resolved and, if there is such need,
  installed using PackageKit. On XO laptops (when yum PackageKit backed
  might take too many resources, use presolve PackageKit backend
  right now, the only dependency is sugar itself (set while uploading
  activities to ASLO) to prevent launching inappropriate activities;
  but, it is possible to add new activity dependencies as well

== Web UI ==

* Information notices for content published on the Network.
  For the time being only "Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Unported" is offered.

* New dialogs for "New Project" and "New Resource"

* First implementation of a system for synchronizing resources shared
  in offline mode.

== Contributor Hub ==

* New, more compact, look&feel

* While navigating within the Contributor Hub, it change the url in
  Web browser's status bar; so, it is possible to, e.g., bookmark the current
  position in browser

* Upload Content resources
  accessible only from http://network-devel.sugarlabs.org/hub/
  (where anonymous users have administrative privileges) or from
  local client applications

* Upload Journal objects to activity galleries, e.g.,
  accessible only from local client applications

* Launch activities and gallery objects
  hover over the particular activity or gallery object and click green
  play button
  accessible only from local client applications

* Download activities, gallery objects and content
  hover over the particular object and click green download button
  for local client applications, download button is replaced by launch

== Sugar Shell plugin ==

* Dialog for submitting failure reports was moved to the Shell plugin
  from Web UI; so, it will be possible to report activity errors even
  if Web UI is not started

== API ==

* Subscribe to Sugar Network node events
  Events will be served using HTML5 Server-Sent Events mechanism

* Client side functionality
  When API provided by a Sugar Network node should be enough in most
  cases, there are features that can be implemented only from client
  side, e.g., launch Sugar Network activities by one click or Journal
  integration for easy sharing objects.

* Handy command-line utility to work with API

== Objects model ==

* Differentiate original authors and maintainers
  See "Resource.author" on
  that is useful when content was uploaded by not original authors
  or when authors were not registered in the Sugar Network:
  there are also special API commands to manage users:

* New Report resource (was extracted from Feedback)
  with possibility to set review rating (like on ASLO)

== Try the release ==

Follow the "Try it" wiki page:


See Sugar Network usage tutorial created by Thomas C Gilliard:


== Credits ==

* People in the field for exposing a need, in such kind projects, and interest 
in testing.

* World wide community members who donated funds to make full time
  working possible.

* People from mailing lists and IRC channels who are helping in
  development process.
Sugar-devel mailing list

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