On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 1:49 AM, Alexandro Colorado <j...@oooes.org> wrote:
> I want to get a clearer look on what we expect from the candidate on the
> following GCI task:
> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2012/8016213

I drafted that.

> Since this has to do with research paper would we need any specific template
> on how to present the idea, quote sources and develop test cases?

I wanted them to research FOSS tools that could accomplish this job
(SVG i18n), individually or in combination.

> Do we want this to be on the wiki, or can the candidate use his/her
> preferred text processor.

I would prefer to have it put on the wiki.

The can add it to


> Do we want a running example of the system or just a well drafted idea on
> how to go about it?

if existing tools are found, a link to them and a description of how
they could be used to accomplish SVG i18n.

If no tools exist, a description of how one might  be created (i.e.
how might one create the hypothetical Translate Toolkit pair (svg2po,
po2svg) example given).
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