On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> we are still at the very beginning but development is going fast. It
> would be awesome to have activity authors step in as soon as possible,
> so that we can add stuff as needed and get early feedback. If you want
> to write an activity it's pretty easy to get started:
> git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sugar-build/sugar-build.git
> cd sugar-build
> git checkout html
> make
> Take a look to source/htmldemo for an activity template, we will add
> more features there as they become available. Let us know about your
> work. Send bug reports, feature requests, ask for help on the mailing
> list or on irc.
> Coming up, roughly in that order:
> * Ability to close the activity window from js.
> * Buildbot instance for the html branch
> * Documentation on how to write an activity.
> * Initial implementation of a toolbar widget.
> * Support to run the activity in a web browser.
> * Support to run the activity as an android application.

I'd be interested to see
  http://nell-balloons.github.cscott.net  (ie
http://github.com/cscott/nell-balloons )
  http://nell-colors.github.cscott.net (ie
http://github.com/cscott/nell-colors )
running on the XO.  They are both offline web apps.  They also run fine as
android applications (open web apps), using Firefox/Android.

Also interesting would be: http://offline-wiki.googlecode.com/git/app.html

      ( http://cscott.net )
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