For hulahop, the best is replace the use of gecko by webkit.
You can see how simple is the code, by example in the Help activity.

About Colors, I have tried but didn't find the solution to the pending issue
(git version starts,  but the palette to select colors do not reply)
If you find the solution, please communicate.


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 7:03 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi all,****
>  ****
> We're currently preparing the 2013 mission to our Nosy Komba deployment:
> 150 XO-1 + 50 XO-1.5.****
> So, a team of volunteer have tested on 12.1.0/Sugar 0.96 our 63 activities
> currently deployed there on OLPC 883/Sugar 0.94.1. ****
> I know it's a "hot topic" here :-) so following is the result of our test.
> ****
>  ****
> The detailed report is here [1] (in french) and the spreadsheet report is
> here [2].****
> Results are not so bad: 71% of activities works without any adaptation,
> 20% with a minor one ( upgrade, find here [3] a patch with
> all we've upgraded). Only 4 activities don't work at all.***
> *
>  ****
> The next step for us:****
> **·         **Fix the last issue regarding hulahop incompatibility on 3
> activities (Map, Madagascar, HelpFR),****
> **·         **Fix the TypeError issue on Colors activity,****
> **·         **Do intensive testing on XO-1 to check the performance issue
> mentioned here recently (most of our testing has been done on SoaS or
> XO-1.5),****
> **·         **Try to optimize the size of our bundle to adapt to the new
> size of free space on 12.1.0,****
> **·         **Find a new way to create our bundle. Until this year we've
> got a customization key but unfortunately it's not supported now: we can't
> deployed 63 activities, one by one on 200 XO!****
>  ****
> I will give you news of our work but I’m happy to hear your advices.****
>  ****
> Best regards from France.****
>  ****
> Lionel.****
>  ****
> P.S.: Most of this boring testing works has been done by new OLPC France
> volunteers (especially Aurélie, Alexandre and Jean). Thanks a lot to them
> for that.****
>  ****
> [1]**
> **
> [2]
> ****
> [3]****
> ** **
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