On 04/17/2013 05:39 PM, Daniel Narvaez wrote:
Thanks Daniel. Lots of interesting points here!
3. I see this project as a way of taking us closer to Sugar (in some
sense) on Android. Can Chrome webapps work as first-class citizens on

That's actually something I was thinking about. I have the feeling they
cannot at the moment, but it would be useful if someone with an Android
phone could confirm.

It doesn't seem like a point against using Chrome in Sugar though, we
wouldn't be any better off with WebKit, rather it would be in point in
favor if it was possible.

I looked around if it is possible to run Chrome webapps on Android. In the chrome version you can download from the store "chrome://settings/" is not available, so I can not do the same thing I did in chrome on Fedora and following the webapp examples [1].

I did not find any other means on trying this out, if someone has a pointer, I have an Android device to check.

While looking around I came across an article [2] about Android and Chrome merging possibly in the future. Some interesting food for the "Sugar on Android" discussion and if it makes sense to bet on native Android apps or webapps in chrome.


[1] http://developer.chrome.com/trunk/apps/first_app.html
[2] http://techland.time.com/2013/03/18/the-coming-merger-of-google-chrome-and-android/

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