On 06/16/2013 07:19 AM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
I think we should decide if changing the xo icon is a feature we _really_
include in sugar.

I am not sure if add too much value, but probably can add confusion,
more if is applied in all the places where the xo icons is used , like the
implementation do. May be we can limit the change to only the favorites

About the change in the control panel, in the past we tried to not add more
like in the case of the proxy configuration, and that was a feature needed
in some

Other opinions?


I agree with the possible confusion if we allow changing the outlines of the user icon easily: imagine the situation in the Neighborhood view. At the moment you can identify more or less easily what is a user, what an Access point and what a shared activity. This will be way harder if everyone uses another icon for his appearance.

As well having the same icon for everyone does unite the learners as well. Everyone has the same basic shape, just the color differs. There are arguments for similar concepts like for example a school uniform going into both directions, I think here it can be thought as a strength.

About the point raised by Walter that allowing the learner to customize the icon as not having much value, I would argue that it would have value if the learner would find out how to hack the device to change the file himself :)

A counter proposal to allow for customization: I would prefer doing the personalization with the addition of a user photo/drawing. You would see this in the Palettes of the XO icon in the home/friends/neighborhood view. We had plans and probably sketches about that in the early Sugar days.


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