El 29/10/13 07:15, Walter Bender escribió:
While I agree that "in the field" in Peru, a major Sugar deployment,
means 0.94, there are many Sugar deployments using newer versions of
Sugar (Uruguay, Nicaragua, Australia among others).



In reality, one never knows what one will find in the field.
In large deployments, like Perú, upgrading software versions may
take an entire year, and may never reach all students.

In Perú, the most likely Sugar you will find in the field is actually still
an image based on 10.2 with Sugar *0.84*, which is still the official
image. Yes, that is Sugar *before pretty toolbars*, which first
appeared in Sugar 0.86.

It has been a success of the local Sugar community to get the
Ministry to pilot and hopefully deploy an image based in Sugar *0.94*
in 2014 which is argueably still the better performing / stable
quality Sugar.

Probably the best thing to do is to develop for current *Sugar 0.98*+
and if you want to reach a specific place, just be prepared to bring
updated operating system images with you. This is a little tricky because
of the DRM in XO laptops. Only signed images will install on "secured"
laptops. Most of the time, to my knowledge, images signed by OLPC
can be used, except in Uruguay where OLPC's signatures don't work
and you are forced to used official government (Ceibal) operating
system images.


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