On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:22:14PM -0200, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:
> One problem with this idea of multiple developers cloning,
> having multiple versions and so,
> is than we transfer to the user the complexity of deal with what activity
> use.

In my ming, you are messing here several points:

(1) publish sources
(2) publish "binaries", ie, applications ready to run
(3) QAed and especially sorted out content which is the most useful
    for particular auditory

Back to the subject activity, here, just an example:

(1) I don't see any problems to have bunch on source repositories
(2) I don't see any problems that every of these source repositories
    will be available in running form from the App Store
(3) I don't see how (1) and (2) might prevent providing most appropriate
    content for different kinds of users

The current status within the SL is that:

(1) git.sl.o provides all needs, pretty enough for people who know
    how to use Git
(2) technically, all git.sl.o repos might be uploaded to the ASLO
    for multiple entities, eg, Gambiarra, Gambiarra-ng, 
(3) but, ASLO does not provide decent ways to sort out its content to
    meet the (3), especially for different kinds of
    users/usage-scenarios (the Internet is not the same as one particular 
    and not the same as particular school/class).

Nevertheless, I don't think that current buggy status is an excuse for
messing all three points, e.g., trying to keep one entity with the name
"Gambiarra" on git.sl.o and App Store (ASLO). The better way for me is
keeping crystal-clear picture in mind for one part of people and trying
to fix it for the others.

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