During the 2012 Google code-in Lionel wrote a nice chapter for MYOSA on
making Activities using HTML 5 and WebKit. I have been slowly and steadily
updating the other chapters in the book to use Sugar 3 and GTK 3. I have
not updated the website with the latest changes because I don't want the
book to be in a half-done state, but I have been making steady progress.

One thing I have noticed from lurking on this mailing list is that HTML 5
and Sugar have made a lot of progress since that chapter was written. I get
the impression that what is written there may already be obsolete. I also
feel that I'm not the guy who can fix that. I did a fair amount of Activity
development before writing MYOSA but I've drifted away from it since then.

I believe that HTML 5 is going to be a big deal for Sugar and that MYOSA
needs to have some new or updated chapters to reflect that. I am hoping
that some of you might contribute this content.

As for my own updates, some of them might be published in a couple of weeks.

Working on this book has been a rewarding experience for me. I consider it
part of my own Constructionist education. Since finishing it I have been
involved in writing or publishing many other books. I have transcribed
books for Project Gutenberg and Project Gutenberg Canada. I have scanned a
bunch of books for the Internet Archive, using a scanner I designed and
built myself. I updated a memoir of my days among the Hare Krishnas that
had been on a shelf for 30 years and published it, getting five star
reviews on Amazon. I have formatted for publishing a twelve volume
illustrated English edition of *The Mahabharata*, the great epic of India.
I have written a science fiction novel and am working on a second one.

I am not suggesting that contributing HTML 5 chapters to this book will
change your life. However, it definitely changed mine.

James Simmons
Sugar-devel mailing list

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