Hello Paul

You wrote:
james wrote:
  >  On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 12:55:36AM +0100, Christian Stroetmann wrote:
  >  >  For sure, there is the One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) respectively One
  >  >  Pad Per Child (OPPC) project by my business division intellitablet
  >  >  since July 2012 (see [1]).
  >  >  You are contracted by OLPC? So, please could you take a look and
  >  >  tell me when the OLPC announced their tablet computer.
  >  No, I do not have access to those records.
  >  Relying only on public record, http://blog.laptop.org/ the multi-child
  >  XO Tablet manufactured by Vivitar and OLPC was announced as available
  >  for retail sale at Walmart.com on July 16 2013.  There was an
  >  announcement before that on January 9 2013 associated with CES.
  >  I don't see how this is relevant to sugar-devel@ mailing list.
  >  >  [1] intelliTablet Announcement One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One
  >  >  Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #1
  >  >  www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/july.htm#17.July.2012

from the pictures at that link, it seems to be related to the XO-3,
which, while under developmentd for a very long time, was never
released, nor produced in more than prototype quantities.  and, it was a
very different beast than the "XO Tablet" produced by vivitar.  (i
know that james knows this -- i'm just clarifying for others.)


  paul fox, p...@laptop.org

Thank you for your clarification.
Indeed, the One Tablet Per Child project was started by intelliTablet, because the XO-3 never came to market.

But form my point of view the chronology has some more facts to list:
1. The OLPC developed the concept and a design study of the XO-2 in 2008.
2. I showed a picture of the XO-1Beta of the year 2005 on one of my websites [1]. Because I thought the XO-1 is already a convertible laptop respectively tablet laptop (see also [2]) that features a touchscreen, due to the reason that I confused touch pad with touchscreen, I described the XO-1 as "Tablet Computer Convertible One Laptop per Child (OLPC) XO-1" (move the mouse on the image to see the description). 3. The OLPC developed the concept and prototypes of the XO-3 and presented it on the CES in January 2012 for example. 4. Because the OLPC presented the XO-2 and the XO-3, but no direct successor of the XO-1, my business division intelliTablet came back to my concept of the convertible tablet computer variant of the XO-1 (see again point 2.) and presented it on the 17th of July 2012 and 19th of July 2012 ([3] and [4]). The device should be an integration of the XO-1 and the XO-3, or said in other words, an XO-1 with a (multi-)touchscreen.
5. 8 days later the OLPC presented the XO-4 Touch in a press release.
6. Wikipedia describes the XO-4 in the following way [5]: "The XO 4 is a refresh of the XO 1 to 1.75 with a later ARM CPU and an optional touch screen." 7. Due to these points, I claimed in my first e-mail to this thread that "The One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) project is very well known by the OLPC headquarter as the XO-1 with touchscreen is."

Maybe, some details are not correct.

Have fun
Christian Stroetmann

[1] Original vs. Inspirationwww.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2010/january.htm#07.January.2010 [2] Wikipedia Laptop, subsection Convertible laptop en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convertible_laptop#Convertible_laptop [3] intelliTablet Announcement One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #1 www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/july.htm#17.July.2012 [4] intelliTablet Announcement One Tablet Per Child (OTPC) and One Pad Per Child (OPPC/OP²C) #2 www.ontomax.com/newsarchive/2012/july.htm#19.July.2012
[5] Wikipedia OLPC XO-1, XO 4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XO_laptop
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