Hi Gonzalo

Thank you very much for the links.

Indeed, this is a Zoom Metaphor, but somehow I think that it is not a true ZUI metaphor, because a user can only "jump" from one view to the other and can not zoom inside a single view. Also, applications like the Journal are not part of the Zoom Metaphor. So far, I can only point to the videos on the website of Eagle Mode once again (link at the bottom of this e-mail).

I will follow your advices, come back when I toyed with SOAS, and make a feature proposal if there is still something to propose at all. I also thought about to make some sketches, but did not know where to put them on the Wiki.

Hi Christian,

Zoom metaphor was in Sugar from day one [1]

Maybe you can make a concrete feature proposal to help us understand
what are you proposing?

You can read about our Features policy [2]
and see how the Features are proposed, like in this example [3]
More examples here [4] and here [5]


[1] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience/Zoom_Metaphor
[2] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Policy
[3] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features/AboutMe
[4] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Category:Feature_Landed
[5] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Features

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Christian Stroetmann <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:

    Hi again

    And here is a collaborative story authoring tool for children
    called KidPad ([1]) based on ZUI and related with Pad++. It is
    based on Jazz respectively Piccolo ([2]; unmantained website),
    which has as successor  Piccolo2 ([3]; use this website for more
    software technical informations). Said this, the general concept
    to use a ZUI for eductional software is not so new.

    I also looked at the Sugar framework again in relation with a
    potential prototyp of Sugar+ZUI. At least two options exist:
    1. Put ZUI into a Linux kernel.
    Pro: In this way Sugar developers could decide if they want to use
    it or not. This might also have advantages with the overall
    Contra: There are X11, D-Bus and Gnome dependancies.
    Personally, I prefer Wayland instead of X11 but this is another
    Sugar enhancement.
    2. Put ZUI into the Glucose layer.
    Pro: ?
    Contra: Binds ZUI to Python or/and JavaSript.
    Personally, I prefer my Boot to WebCore with C++Core, but this is
    another Sugar story.


    [1] KidPad www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/kiddesign/kidpad.shtml
    [2] Jazz and Piccolo www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/jazz/
    [3] Piccolo2 www.piccolo2d.org <http://www.piccolo2d.org>

    Hi again

    I forget to say something to your question related with the
    educational technology.

    Firstly, I found the following statements on the webpage "What is
    Sugar?" in the section "About the Sugar Learning Platform" of
    Sugar ([1]) that says:
    " It is easy to approach and yet it doesn't put an upper bound on
    personal expression; one can peel away layers and go deeper and
    deeper, with no restrictions." and
    "[...] in whatever realm the learner is exploring [...] they are
    able to drill deeper; they are not going to hit a wall, since
    they can, at every level, engage in debugging both their personal
    expression and the very tools that they use for that expression."

    Hence, Sugar+ZUI supports the learning even with the related UI
    paradigm that reflects the general computer desktop metaphor as
    well as the 3rd characteristical attribute of Sugar.

    Secondly, if the U.S. government supports this ZUI based Prezi
    software as part of a billion U.S. Dollar donation even if it
    does not comply with ADA and 508 actually, then there must be a
    very strong reason to include a ZUI based application in a
    framework of educational software. Sadly to say, I do not know
    the true reason actually, but my instinct gives me a very clear
    hint. For sure, I do know that these might not be convicting


    [1] Sugar, What is Sugar?, About the Sugar Learning Plattform

    Hi Sam

    Basically, I find this ZUI concept as attractive as the
    multi-touchscreen and the mind mapping approach.

    Also, the foundational hierachical structure of Sugar with the
    views you mentioned fits perfectly with a ZUI.
    The problem I have seen is that the screen gets more and more
    crowded with icons when Sugar is used and collaborations are
    made. Also, specific applications like the Journal suffer from
    this problem respectively allow to present only a small list of
    documents and activities at once. In this relation, I refer to
    some screenshots that I have seen on the Sugar Labs website. A
    solution to this problem is a ZUI functionality.
    Even better, due to the simple GUI metaphor of Sugar
    deliberately designed for children, Sugar+ZUI should already run
    smoothly when a user zooms in an out with actual hardware.

    The actual plan is to try to implement a prototyp of Sugar+ZUI,
    though until now it is just a concept and a plan, and I wanted
    to ask the other developers at first, if they are interested and
    if it is worth to go in this direction at all.


    Totally forgot to reply all xD

    On Mar 1, 2014 9:10 PM, "Sam Parkinson"
    <sam.parkins...@gmail.com <mailto:sam.parkins...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        In sugar we currently have 'the views'. I think the vid on
        our site shows that.

        The whole zui thing does look cool, but besides prezi I
        cannot see any clear use cases in edu tech. What do you
        have in mind?


        On Mar 1, 2014 9:04 PM, "Christian Stroetmann"
        <stroetm...@ontolab.com <mailto:stroetm...@ontolab.com>> wrote:


            Since many years now I am looking at Sugar and the
            underlying basic software technologies. Besides this, I
            am also interested in the specific field of Graphical
            User Interfaces (GUI).

            In this relation, I would like to present a concept
            that is an extension of the general GUI approach of the
            Sugar learning software with a Zooming User Interface
            (ZUI; [1]).

            One inspiring moment was that recently the U.S.American
            government together with companiens like Adobe, Prezi,
            Microsoft and Apple announced to make software
            donationsto schools (related reports can be find in the
            web easily).
            One specific software is Prezi ([2]) that is developed
            in Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR, and built on top of
            Django (Python web framework). Surprisingly, Prezi is
            not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act
            (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act ([3]
            and [4])but used in education (see again [2]).

            I looked around and found the software Eagle Mode ([5];
            for a first impression see the videos on its website

            Said this, I simply counted 1+1, Sugar+ZUI and Sugar+Eagle.

            Such an UI approach has advantages and disadvantages
            that are discussed shortly on the website of Eagle Mode
            (see [6]). The point with the hardware requirements
            seems not to be relevant, because for example the
            hardware of the latest featurephones and featuretablets
            (simple smartphones and tablet computers) should be
            useable with a ZUI and are available for around 30 U.S.
            Dollar already.

            Have fun
            Christian Stroetmann

            [1] Wikipedia, ZUI
            [2] Wikipedia, Prezi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prezi
            [3] Wikipedia, Rehabilitation Act of
            [4] Wikipedia, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
            [5] Eagle Mode eaglemode.sourceforge.net
            [6] Eagle Mode, Project Philosoophy

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