Would be good think about what are the limitations we have today in ASLO.

I want make clear this is not a critic to all the people who worked in
and keep it alive and useful, just suggestions for the future.

Loalization: Even when the interface is translated, you can't reliabily
search using other languages.
If I search "Pintar" (Spanish for "Paint") I get "Paint Web", but not
"Paint" activity.
The same happen if you search "Tortuga" (Turtle) or "Escribir" (Write).
Looks like all the activities found are activities created by Spanish
users, not sure what is the
inde3xing logic, but we have all the information about the translations in
the .xo file

Compatibility: we request the developer to set the max and min sugar
version compatible with the activity,
but is very common we (the developers) make mistakes with that.
Would be great if we can check these versions and keep it updated,
we know gtk3 activities are compatible with 0.98 or newer,
web activities with 0.100 or newer,
and we can check if the activity import the old toolbars, the new toolbars
or both.
Probably some other logic is neded, but I think would be enough to start.

Summary: We have the summary field in the activity.info file now,
should be great show it. In the end, I would like if we can get all the
information we need
in the .xo file.
We already have a feature proposed to have all the information needed to
create distro packages
in the activity.info file

Dreaming a litle more, if we have the repository connected to the site, we
could automatically
create testing .xo files, and mark them as stables in some way, I supopose.

Just a few ideas, hope are usefull.


On Sunday, April 13, 2014, Sam Parkinson <sam.parkins...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Daniel Narvaez wrote on a thread about modules on githiub:
>> Ideally I think this information should be on activities.sugarlabs.org.
Though given we seems stuck with an old/unmaintained codebase there, I'm
favorable to this approach. And I suppose it could evolve into the new
activities.sugarlabs.org at some point!
>> I would suggest a few changes
>> * Factor out the module list to a registry.json file that you xhr.
>> * Cut down on the headers, a small thing at the top like we have on the
other sites. The main thing should be the repository list.
>> * Rename the module to sugar-registry.
>> Then people can send pull requests to add to registry.json.
> Hi,
> I like the idea of modernizing ASLO. I was chucking around some
implementation ideas here:
https://gist.github.com/SAMdroid-apps/ad2edbbdb06b70470225 .
> If we did it with json, python is cool with json. This could let us
integrate sugar and ASLO really well + easily with sugar (maybe an ASLO
> One thing I would love is github integration. Github provides a url you
can go to for each repo to get a zip made. This is cool, considering .xo is
just a .zip.
> We could also use disqus or some other easy thing for comments.
> Sam

Gonzalo Odiard

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